Wednesday, February 25, 2009

24022009--------------->undescribable day

haiy..another tuesday..went to bed very early last night..but..god knows why i still couldn't manage to wake up early this i rushed and did all my stuffs..and..i planned to pump petrol before i fetch that crazy girl..

the world is never fair..haiy..the more i hope to get the things done..higher chances that i would bloody screw my own all came true..i screwed my own plan..woohoo..fucking traffic jam..that's why i fetched her first and i couldn't pump my petrol.. *sigh* then..seriously..malaysian drivers sucks..they're the suckiest and the nastiest drivers i ever came across..well i only drive in m'sia..but..seriously GOD DAMN IT MAN!

kepong road already damn narrow..that fucker could just fucking stopped his car in the middle of the road..right in front of an old lady's house and blocked the whole dumb road..causing traffic jam!it actually worsen the goodness..are you really that dumb?can't you just drive park your car..inner abit?i forgive your dumbness...

then..i have no choice but to pump petrol..mobil was my only choice..and i'm running outta god lar!ish~that thing..forgotten what is that in a good shape..i thought it'd be ok..but..OMG!!!i washed my feet with...PETROL...seriously it be my first time...i can't stop cursing...damn!ouh..and i saw an idiot...parked his the petrol station...and he was MAKING PHONE CALL in his car...i seriously have no idea if he's brainless or what..

anyway..i was...damn late for class..but..nevermind i'm so used to it..haha..i had corns..and sandwiches before i entered the class..ouh they're YUMMY^^thanks to jas's mom..break and after that class continued and ended..went home after goodness..the weather be killing me..took a nap and after that went to mum's shop..haiy..

got stranded for the rest of my day..couldn't do shits there..being ignored by my boyfriend for the whole night..haiy..drove home and i did nuts..freaking sleepy..asked a question also kena pwnt..being said arrogance..i apologized if i did offended you..

shall go to bed..tomorrow have got law in the morning and maths in the afternoon..i shall die..sob