Friday, October 02, 2009

SHOULD i? or should i NOT? tough and it isn't easy when it comes to the end...of making a decision..
i'm not really decisive when things became like this..
there are stuffs that i couldn't decide and i ended up at the junction don't know where to turn..
ex: NOW...

was having this itchy brain just now that i went and clicked on the old post...
well after i read most of them..holy shit fuck!
i went emoranging with my memories... =/
especially the memories of year 2007...
most likely it would be the worst year of my life i think =x

and so yea...most probably i'll change my blog...
i'll just close this one down as a private blog..
and then get a new one...
let it be a new beginnning...
wat'd you think so?

p/s: pretty mum said i should =) 1 vote to YES...0 to NO