Saturday, September 19, 2009

18092009------------->i'm filled with fire..NOW!

just because we live in MALAYSIA doesn't meant that you people are the greatest of all...
just because IT'S RAYA..doesn't meant that even you as an employee gets to get a day off earlier..
RAYA then raya lar..wat's so great about it?
come to talk about it..ALL BECAUSE OF RAYA.........i need to work TOMORROW...
all because of RAYA!i need to SUDDENLY cancel all my programmes for tomorrow..
i seriously don't felt like giving it a piece of shit...DID ANY OF YOU CARES BOUT WAT AM I GONNA DO?no..the answer is one fucking great no!

imagine...if your employer is MR.M...if you asked for a day off for you think they're gonna care?
JUST BECAUSE OF ONE FUCKING need a day off and you don't even inform EARLIER?
you don't bother like you think I'D bother?

never let me see any of you...fucker waste my hell lot of time...
and yes i'm seriously pissed off right now!

just because you're my have something to do tomorrow doesn't meant that i'm DEFINITELY GONNA BE FREE FOR YOU!
cox when i need you to be free..when were you free for me?
DON'T ARGUE..cox you're never free...mcb!

better stay away from me before i start flaming around...