Wednesday, September 16, 2009

16092009------------------>a ninth month =)

lol 16th of the ninth month for the year again...well =) another month's been a long way isn't it?like 270 days dy...haha so fast! ya!exam in another!?ish...i hate it...bah!gonna bear with it and get it over ASAP!can't wait to get outta hell..

well 2mrw will be tenji day =) weeeeeee i see sushi(S) i see ICE CREAMS...ouh i see FOOOOOOOOOD!! i see HANDS flying outta them calling after my name =) weeeeeeeeee...out for eating sessions with Ejinn and kwai..muahahaha =P is a must for us and is a promise..once a month yes!

okay..i guess i'll need to get back to study now...nothing much to update been a bit crazy lately..just decided not to over study..well...been playing around..jumping around ALOT!to the extend my parents worried like hell cox I DIDN'T STUDY AT ALL =S awwwfully...sad... T_T

get my hands of the 10 mins time =) till then...ciaoz