Thursday, April 08, 2010

07042010---------->furious?pissed =/

this lazy hasn't been updating her blog very often ever since she started working and she opened her new blog with baby =D definitely a good start. Why said so? Because you already had in mind that your baby will always read what you wrote for him and not ignore it =) HAPPINESS flowing.

well why furious? I was busy working for the past 3 months. And my last day for that psychotic job was on the 31st of march. Lets see, it's already 7th of april and I haven't get that fucking pay check yet! God damn the stupid HR dept. As well as the financing.

The workers from the same company behaved the same. It doesn't matter much on which project are you working on. One word for all, we're malaysians. Laziness comes right after the-so-important-to-you-task. They will NEVER update you with whichever information you need. For example, they'll issue you a CHEQUE instead of direct transfer into your current account. WHY NO ONE FUCKING TOLD ME THAT? and I DIDN'T KNOW TILL MONDAY? oh fuck!

Lulu's coming back in MAY. Oh mai~ CAN'T WAIT FOR THAT DAY! and i can't imagine that I'M FETCHING her and we have hell lotsa things to do on that day itself. I miss her soooooooo MUCH!

Met up with chang today. God knows when was the last time we spoke to each other face-to-face? Did he grew taller or wut?weeeeeee I really can't forget that scene when i told him about the scoring average in exams of somebody i'm so pissed off. EPIC!

I am currently having a great time with baby and he's just perfect! Might be a lil sensitive, but hell I'd rather he be sensitive than not being one at all =D I love you dear.