Tuesday, April 20, 2010

my pc fair 2010..

well well well...I'm back to work at the pc fair again this time =D hmm it would be my second time working for the same boss, one word for it, AWESOME! i think i have the world best boss of all times, like when u really couldn't reach any customers, the boss will understand. AND HE'S DEFINITELY SOFT SPOKEN. So soft spoken till you actually feel guilty if you never get any sales the next day. =/

My baby has been a very very thoughtful and sweet hearted one. He'd dropped by everyday just to see me and he'll pick me up after work. I know i can expect more from him because I hasn't achieve his expectations. He has given me the happiest moments in my life and I KNOW HE HAS BEEN CONSTANTLY WILLINGLY reminding me about my upcoming exams. Thanks dear.

I've been working very hard lately to get the money and to let myself not to rot. Is either i rot at home and not getting any other work done or i work and at the same time i get the money and not rotting my life off. Choose wisely =)

The picture above was taken on the first day after work while we were walking to the car park. I personally love it so much because we both looked gorgeous =D

Bought my sweet heart a wallet because he lost his just the day before pc fair. It might be a bit pricey but well for him i guess it doesn't really matter much. I love you dear!

p/s: i saw the posts weeeeeeee..T_T