Friday, January 09, 2009


effing tired..effing sleepy..but..i'm still here to update my blog..simply because i've been VERY LAZY lately...i think the time to push myself IS life remains the makes no difference..good news and bad news..both i don't feel like writing long as the decision is made correctly..there it goes..i'll give you full support^^ AS results be out on the 21st of JAN...sigh..honestly i have no idea..and i don't know how is it gonna be..exam's over..the final result can't change..if it turns out to be..horrible..well..i should retake all the subjects and redo's not horrible..*keep ur fingers across*

18th of JAN..atc student ball...of course i would invite my darling with least i should ask if he would like to come along..since outsiders are allowed..i know if i didn't even bother to ask..something bad will happen..rows..and more rows...

don't really have much time to spend with you...hope that planner work out well with you...hehe^^is love and time...

chinese new year be around the corner..and i haven't get any new baju yet...simply too busy lately...sigh...shall look up for a few and get mama or maybe daddy to the shop and pay...i'm effing broke..forgive me..T_T

is year 2009...hope everything's gonna work out well this least not as bad as last year...god bless me!!!!!!