Sunday, October 04, 2009

03102009-----------mooncake festival

so ya...the mooncake festival is here again =) i used to enjoy eating mooncake alot...but..urm i don't really fancy them much..i don't know why...things changed along with time.. =/ and i don't really like it...but hell we'll need to move on with our life..aint it?

i enjoy looking at the full i saw one dimmed and a crooked moon...not really crooked..just not as round as last time =) all we did in grandma's house today, game, sing, burnt and DRINK =D

all i did was eat, sing and drink..i don't game...i don't burnt anymore..haha..eating is always the first thing i do there.. =P the singing part just came in outta no where cox uncles suddenly wanted to sing k at yah~ then then that drinking part was the funniest..

i asked one of the uncles to bring me to a club =) suddenly before i left..they chucked me half a bottle of heineken..the other uncle pushed the heineken away and gave me quarter glass of whiskey instead with ice of course =) i don't like whiskey smell..and this is when smething horrible happened..very smart of them to mix both whiskey and beer..i down-ed everything and they said OUH GONE!really need to bring her go club dy...she can drink..LOL =)

i love you uncles..haha...then aunty connie gave me a heart 2 heart talk...was really touched and i ? yah i reminds me of wat had lead me of becoming like this =/ i don't know but a promise has to be carried yah!stay tuned =)

nothing much and movie tomorrow...weeeeeee living my life to the fullest with my family and my darling =) i love you guys =D muackxx...muackxx...muackxxx